BTH Raiders are asking our community to nominate fellow members for the below awards. All nominations will be presented to the executive committee when they are selecting the final winner of these perpetual awards.
List of Trophies
Sub Junior & Junior Awards
Sub Junior (under 6 to 11) & Junior (Under 12 to Under 16)
Junior Boy Player of the Year
Nominated by BTH members&/ Junior Teams
Awarded by the BTH Junior VP
Awarded to the junior boy player (under 12-16) of the season
Delivered consistent performances throughout the year
Delivered outstanding on field performances
Skill level
Junior Girl Player of the Year
Nominated by BTH members&/ Junior Teams
Awarded by the BTH Junior VP
Awarded to the junior girl player (under 12-16) of the season.
Delivered consistent performances thru out the year
Delivered outstanding on field performances
Skill level
Club Champion Team (Junior)
Based on results - members cannot nominate for this award
Awarded to the team that achieves the highest ranking in their competition
If no junior teams make the semis or finals
Awarded to the junior team that finished highest in their comp
If two teams are equal in different comps, result based on goal difference
Sub Junior/ Junior Coach Of The Year
Nominated by BTH members
Selected BTH sub junior and Junior Coaching Conveners
Awarded to the best sub / junior coach
Most likely the coach of the sub / junior team of the year.
Demonstrated and reinforced
True ideals
Spirit of the club
Whilst attaining outstanding results
As well as off field attitude
Performances from the players under their control
Club Team Achievers Award (sub and Junior)
Nominated by BTH members
Awarded by Sub Junior and Junior VP and coaching convener
NOT based on results
Based on the commitment of the team – not grade of team
Commitment to training and on field participation
WIN OR LOSE – still participating - ANZAC style (the team that keeps going
Senior Awards
U18 and above, AL, O35 & O45 teams men and women
Senior Amateur League Men’s Player of the Year Award – (excludes over 35/45 Men’s)
Awarded by the BTH Coaching Director and Senior men’s VP
Presented to the best AL senior men’s player of the year
Consistently delivered outstanding results
On field and off field
Highest skill
Highest quality
Senior Amateur League Women’s Player Of The Year Award – (excludes over 35 Ladies)
Awarded by the BTH Coaching Director and Senior ladies VP
Presented to the best AL senior women’s player of the year
Consistently delivered outstanding results
On field and off field
Highest skill
Highest quality
Over 35/45 Men’s Player of the Year Award
Awarded by the Men’s O/35 VP
Presented to the best men’s o35 player of the year
Opened to registered O35 & O45 men
Consistently delivering outstanding on field performance of the highest level of
Over 35 Women’s Player of the Year Award
Awarded by the Women’s O35 VP
Presented to the best women’s O35 player of the year
A player who consistently delivers every week
Outstanding on field performances
Highest skill
Senior Coach Of The Year
Awarded by the BTH Committee
Presented to the best senior men’s or women’s coach of the year
Who demonstrates and reinforces true ideals:
Spirit into the club
While attaining outstanding results
Off field attitude and performances from the players under their control
Club Championship Team (Senior) - cannot be voted for
Presented to the best finishing men’s or ladies’ AL team
Purely on results
Using seniors formula and team attaining the best finish including competition
Major and minor results
Club Person Of The Year Award - THE RAIDERS AWARD
Awarded by the Club president
Presented to the BTH CLUB person who has provided exceptional individual contribution/s
Puts in the extra effort throughout the year
Works beyond their criteria in the club
Suggests new options and puts in the effort in hours and on hand requirements